Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This week in Science # 9

This week in science we dissected a Perch. A Perch is a certain type of fish that lives in freshwater. Before we even got to dissect it we did some research on this fish and drew a picture of what the Perch looks like, then labels the parts we see. We also took pictures of the Perch and labeled them on preview. After we labeled everything we saw on the outside the next time we had science we were suppose to open it up a certain way and investigate the inside. The room was smelling very bad the smell caused many kid to actually not want to do the project.

I learned many things this week, and most of them were about my organism which was a Perch. I learned that the perch live in freshwater like pounds, lakes, streams, river. They eat smaller fishes, and sometimes shellfishes. I also learned a few things about my other groups organism the Skate. I leanred that it is in the sharks family, they also have a slow growth rate, they have gills, and live in salt water

Even though my organism looked very different from my other partners organism they did have some similaries. One of the similaries would be they both have gills and one of the difference would be the Perch lives in freshwater unlike the Skate that lives in saltwater

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