This week in science we were focusing on making a habitat for our cellar spider the purpose of this week was to learn about ecosystems. On Monday we had to write on a post-it note information that we know or want to know about an ecosystem, food chain, water cycle, producer, etc. On Tuesday we went outside to Seward Park to pick out the things we want to put in our tank. My group and I picked out insects, plants,nuts,big rocks and smaller rocks to put in it. I found and couple of small worms that reminded me of a rainbow because they were so colorful. On Thursday we did some research on the cellar spider. We also did a design on how the tank looks like from the top view and from the side. We did a google doc that included picture that Mayra (my classmate) took in the park, we put these pictures on the google doc and on the side we explained how that was important to have in that environment.
This week in science I learned that cellar spider mostly found in the basement of house. I also learned that the cellar spider live anywhere except Antarctica because its too cold for them.I learned they eat host and eggs. I didnt know the body grew 2mm to 10mm in length, the legs may reach a size of 50mm in
length until my partner researched it.